Tsifoutidis Georgios

Head of Geothermal Energy Department at the Directorate General of Mineral Raw Materials, Head of Geothermal Energy Dept (acting), Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece

Georgios was born in Thessaloniki in 1963. He graduated from the Geology Dept at Patras University in 1986 and studied engineering geology (M.Sc.) at the School of Engineering, Durham University, UK, where he received his Ph.D. in 1993 for his work on the geotechnical intrinsic properties of Greek marls. He served the Greek Corp of Engineers as a 2nd Lieutenant specialized in heavy earthworks machines. George joined Attiko Metro SA in 1995 as engineering geologist for the construction of Athens Metro new lines 2 and 3. In 1998 he moved to Erga OSE SA, a project management company of the Greek Railways, where he worked in the construction of rail tunnels, in the company’s technical monitoring team and as a geotechnical design contract Manager and Reviewer till 2012. George moved to the Ministry of Environment and Energy and joined the hydrocarbons upstream team. He took part in the acquisition of new seismic data, the evaluation of offers for the 2012 Open Door round, the preparations of the 2nd International Tender in off-shore W. Greece and S. Crete. In 2015, George went to Qatar as a geotechnical consultant with Deutsche Bahn for the record-breaking Doha Metro project. George returned to the Ministry in September 2018 and now heads the Geothermal Energy Department at the Directorate General of Mineral Raw Materials.